Saying Goodbye to Salam? A Guide to Deactivating Your Account

If you’re considering taking a break from Salams, or permanently stepping away, there are a few options to consider before hitting that delete button. Let’s explore the ways you can manage your account and decide on the best path for you.

Taking a Break:

  • Pause your Discoverability: This keeps your profile hidden from others while you decide your next move. You can reactivate anytime and pick up where you left off.
  • Unsubscribe from emails and notifications: Reduce the Salams presence in your inbox and on your phone while you mull it over.

Moving On:

  • Deactivate your account: This temporarily suspends your profile and data. You can reactivate within 30 days if you have a change of heart.
  • Delete your account: This permanently removes your profile, matches, conversations, and data from Salams. It’s a one-way street, so be sure you’re ready.

Before you commit:

  • Download your data: Salams lets you download a copy of your profile information and conversations. This can be a good keepsake or helpful for reference later.
  • Cancel any subscriptions: Make sure you’ve ended any paid memberships to avoid future charges.


  • It’s your decision: Take your time and choose the option that feels right for you, without pressure.
  • Be mindful: Deactivating or deleting your account can’t be undone after 30 days. Make sure you’re confident in your choice.
  • Stay safe: If you’re leaving because of safety concerns, remember you can report inappropriate behavior or block users directly within the app.

Focus on you:

Whether you’re taking a temporary hiatus or saying a final farewell, prioritize your well-being and digital comfort. Salams is just one part of your online experience, and there’s a whole world (both online and offline) waiting to be explored!

This blog is just a starting point. Remember, the decision to manage your Salams account is yours, and there’s no right or wrong answer. Choose the path that best suits your needs and empowers you to create a positive online space for yourself.

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