Amazon is a top rated online retailer company that allows its users to buy and sell different products. You can sell your products on Amazon by creating a product listing. When a user buys a product from your listing, you get an email from Amazon addressing the details of the purchasing details of the product. You can also create a wish list and add different products to this list. Moreover, you can also promote your products from your product lists, using Amazon Card. In this post, you will learn all the details about how to delete cards from Amazon?

How to delete cards on Amazon

What is an Amazon Card?

Amazon is a leading e-commerce brand that enables its users to buy and sell their products. Product sellers can create their product listings on Amazon to sell their product. When a customer buys a product from their listings, the product sellers receive an email by Amazon which contains the transaction details of purchased product.

The buyers on Amazon also can create a wish list and add products to it. The Buy Box allows Amazon buyers to have control over what is shown in your wish list. Meanwhile, users who want to sell their products on Amazon, can also promote their products by using Amazon Cards.

Why you need to Delete Cards from Amazon?

If you delete a card from Amazon, you will no longer be able to make payment on that specific card on any of the Amazon Products. Moreover, you may want to delete Amazon Card due to multiple reason. For instance, You want to deactivate your Card on Amazon, or you may want to change your Billing address on your Amazon Card. Whatever the reason, if you want to delete your Card on Amazon, we are here to help.

How to delete cards on Amazon?

Deleting your card is on Amazon is a simple an easy task. You just have to follow this step by step guide below in order to delete your cards on Amazon.

  1. Visit Amazon application or Website on a browser from your device.
  2. Click on your Amazon Account.
  3. You will be redirected to your account and profile settings. Here, click on the Payments Options button.
  4. Navigate through the list of Payment methods or Billing cards you want to remove.
  5. Click on the “deleteā€ button for the Card you want to remove.
  6. Amazon will ask for the confirmation. After the confirmation, your card will be deleted from your Amazon Account.

If you just want to edit your billing address details on your Amazon Card and do not want to permanently delete is, you can also do this task by follow this simple guide below.

  1. On your specific card, tap on the edit options under Card name.
  2. You can edit different details here including your billing address, other card detail, change the default card or to remove that card.
  3. Follow the remaining instructions, to complete your changes in billings address.

Read: How To Delete Card From Apple Wallet?


Amazon is a Top rated eCommerce brand that allows its users to buy and sell different products. You need a Card on Amazon to make transaction. After a successful transaction on Amazon, the details of the transactions are sent to your email. You can always choose to remove or delete a Card on Amazon due to any reason. By following the simple guide above, you can delete your Amazon card easily.

Now, you have learned how to delete a Card on Amazon, if you still have any questions, you can ask us in the comment box.

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